PRC steel buildings are able to assist and point you in the right direction with planning relating to your proposed new steel building.

In some situations you will be able to construct your new building under permitted development rights, generally permitted development will allow you to construct a building with a height at the eaves of 2.4m and a maximum overall height of 4m. This means that on a steel framed double garage  or a low level workshop or storage building could be constructed without the need for full planning permission. However it is always worth consulting the local planning officer.

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Planning permission

PRC steel buildings are able to offer this service for customers in compiling their planning permission. This involves preparing the relevant OS site location plan and site plan, drawing the proposed elevations of your proposed steel building along with floor plans and completing the planning application form and submitting this all via the planning portal website.  We will then ask you to pay the local authority planning fees and our consultancy fee for carrying out the application.

The planning officers will then register and validate the application and 8 week process begins, in some cases for complex applications this is extended to 13 weeks. In most cases a decision is made by the end of these periods.

In some situations planning will ask for reports and further information, dependant on these requirements PRC steel building will appoint a suitable specialist on your behalf these can be for items such as;

  • Flood risk assessments
  • traffic impact assessments
  • Bat surveys
  • Mining investigation reports
  • land contamination

once these have all been satisfied the planners will formulate their decision.

if you would like to discuss your steel building project in relation to planning please contact us on 01472 289262

Building control

So what is building control ?

Local authorities require all buildings to be built to a specific standard so that the building is fit for purpose. Here at PRC steel buildings we are able to guide you through this process.  It literally starts from the ground up.

The key area concerning your building are;

  • Foundation design
  • Damp proofing
  • insulation and heat loss
  • ventilation
  • access
  • drainage

We are able to put this application together and provide the required structural calculations that the local authority will require.

Please call to discuss how we can help with your building control application on 01472 289262.

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